The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Caen Hill (Tuesday 19th June 2018)

For the last week or so I have been allowing the various Blip challenges to sway my choice of submissions, culminating today when this buttercup will be my entry for both the Tiny Tuesday and Wild Flower Week challenges, hosted by jensphotos and miranda1008 respectively, to whom thanks.

I'd called at Caen Hill on my way home and did a circular walk from the café to the Black Horse and back past three side pounds and on this occasion did not see any of the swan family, but I did get a number of shots of plants, both wild and cultivated.

This buttercup and the foxgloves behind it are among a rich cluster of wildflowers on a public bank on the far side of the towpath from the canal. I suspect they have been tended and encouraged, possibly by whoever lives in the house behind the fence, but all the plants seem to be wildflower varieties so I hope they count.

There are around 500 kinds of buttercups so I'm not going to hazard a guess regarding this one.

20.6.2018 (1632 hr)

Blip #2685 (#2435 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.60-18.3.10)
Consecutive Blip #033
Blips/Extras In 2018 #128/265 + #51/100 Extras)
Day #3010 (580 gaps from 26.3.10)
LOTD #1829 (#1670 + 159 in archived blips)

Caen Hill series
Flora series

Caen Hill, 19 June 2018 (Flickr album of 23 photos)

Taken with Pentax K-50 (Red) and Pentax smc P-DA 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL WR kit lens (Red)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Robyn Hitchcock - I Saw Nick Drake (2000)
This would have been Nick Drake's 70th birthday.

One year ago:
Fluffy 0933 hr

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