
What a day!

First on the agenda were the dentist followed by the hygienist at 08:45. Both happy with what they saw and no work required.

Then at lunchtime I found a copy of this week’s local newspaper (I only buy it in extreme circumstances - press bias). They published the story I sent yesterday unedited and with no comment from the other parties. Mid afternoon it was the headline story on the front page of their website.

After lunch I heard on the grapevine (the Goth’s Facebook page) that my son has passed all his university exams with excellent grades.

I did some work as well. 
I met a neighbour as I arrived home and he asked me about this job. Clearly he knows almost nothing about what the office does - best described as West Wing in a kilt.

The Blip is just what caught my eye as I was in the kitchen organising some food this evening.

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