family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

The big move

At 23 weeks and 1 day old my little man has made the big move from his basket to his cot.

Ok so it's not a massive move as such as he has only moved from the side of my bed to the foot of it but still it's big to me.
We bathed the babies, mark took Erin to bed (after 4 books) and I took Caleb, fed him and laid him in his new bed for the night. So far so good. He had another feed an hour later and several dummy runs but it all seemed to be going ok. But at the 330 feed he didn't want to go back in his cot, just wasn't settling at all so he had to come and snuggle in bed with me, oh dear ;)

Erin came back from the childminders with a nice big bump on her forehead where she had fell down the front step. She was fine though. She was shattered so that was my cue to have a walk to the shops (in the rain) the 'nap lap' works every time.

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