But Soft, What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?

I was strolling along College Avenue at the end of the afternoon, waiting for my bus, when I spotted a squirrel behaving strangely. He was rolling in the grass and finally stopped, just lying there flat.

Then he stood at attention, and his little body strained with the effort of his looking. I followed his gaze and discovered the object of his affections: a very lovely little lass, nibbling daintily on some treat in the vegetation nearby.

I do not know for sure, but it seemed like a Romeo and Juliet sort of tale (tail?) to me. Young Romeo's heart had clearly been pierced by the arrow of love. Will the little lady return his affections? Well, we can only hope. . . .

The soundtrack is a song I love and yes, I know I've used it before. But it belongs here too. Mark Knopfler, with Romeo and Juliet.

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