Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dancing for an audience

Identification - Rhinocypha fenestrata cornelii

On the way home from today's safari, I was thinking that I may well have to go out again as I had nothing that was lighting my fire. I knew I had an outside chance from the half a dozen frames of the dancing damsels, but I was shooting down to the stream, through trees, in poor light and a fair distance too.

When I emptied the box of pixels onto my screen, to say I was a little bit pleased would be a gross understatement. A damsel in flight has been on my list for months and so to capture two, plus an audience (did you spot it) was a bit special. The blip monster has been very nice to me this month - so far.

These are two males fighting over territory for access to the ladies. Unlike the dragons, they did not seem particularly aggressive, more of a show really, but I could be wrong. I have blipped this most impressive damsel before (24th September 2012), so this completes the set.


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