The road to the mill

Roedd diwrnod heulog heddiw. Gwnaethon ni meddwl y byddwn ni cael diwrnod heb y car. Felly, ar ôl brecwast penderfynon ni i fynd am daith cerdded eithaf byr. Wel, fel arfer, roedden ni yn anghywir yn ein hamcangyfrif...

Cerddon ni i Redberth, oherwydd doedden ni ddim wedi bod yna o'r blaen. Aethon ni ar y llwybr cyhoeddus dros y caeau. Yn anffodus diflannodd yr arwyddion a'r llwybr hefyd. Ffeindion ni ein hunain yn ymladd trwy isdyfiant eto. Roedd y tywydd yn boeth iawn a doedd e ddim llawer o hwyl i fod i gael ein colli.

O'r diwedd, ar ôl awr, ffeindiodd Nor'dzin arwydd cudd ac roedden ni'n ôl ar y llwybr i Redberth. Doedd dim unrhyw beth diddorol yna. Roedd dim ond tai yna, doedd dim siopau neu ystafelloedd te.

Gwnaethon ni parhau gyda'n taith i Sageston. Roedd e tipyn bach gwell. Roedden ni rhy hwyr i gael pryd o fwyd yn y dafarn ond roedd e'n siop fach - mewn cynhwysydd llongau - lle roedden ni'n gallu prynu diod a siocled brys.

Gwnaethon ni teimlo adnewyddu, felly roedden ni yn parhau cerdded i Gaeriw. Yn ffodus doedd e ddim ffordd hir. Roedden ni wedi bod yn cerdded am fwy na tair awr. Aethon ni i'r ystafell te yn y castell, ond cawson nhw eu hail-adeiladu. Felly cerddon ni lawr i'r Felin Heli, lle roedd yr ystafell te ar agor.

Cawson ni paned o de. Ces i dafell o fara brith a chafodd Nor'dzin flapjack. Roedd e'n braf stopio yna a jyst ymlacio. Cerddon ni o gwmpas y pwll melin. Doedd dim llawer o ddŵr yna ac roedd y mwd wedi dechrau cracio. Rwy'n gwybod sut y teimlodd.lodd.

Galwon ni tacsi i ddod i fynd a ni yn ôl i'r gwersyll. Arhoson ni yn i dafarn tan gyrhaeddodd y tacsi. Roedd e dim ond deg munud i gyrraedd yn ôl i'r babell. Gwnaethon ni wyau wedi'i berwi a thost am ginio.

Cawson ni sgwrs hyfryd gyda Lynda sy'n berchen y lle. mae hi bob amser â diddordeb yn lle rydyn ni wedi bod.

Roedd machlud hyfryd iawn y noson honno. Roedd yr awyr yn llawn gyda lliw. Aethon ni i wely wedi blino a hapus.

It was a sunny day today. We thought we would have a day without the car. So after breakfast we decided to go for quite a short walk. Well, as uaual, we were wrong in our estimation ...

We walked to Redberth, because we had not been there before. We went on the public footpath over the fields. Unfortunately the signs disappeared, and the path also. We found ourselves fighting through undergrowth again. The weather was very hot and it was not a lot of fun to be lost.

Eventually, after an hour, Nor'dzin found a hidden sign and we were back on the path to Redberth. There was nothing interesting there. There were only houses there, there were no shops or tea rooms.

We continued our journey to Sageston. It was a bit better. We were too late to have a meal in the pub but there was a small shop - in a shipping container - where we were able to buy a drink and emergency chocolate.

We felt refreshed, so we continued to walk to Carew. Fortunately it was not a long way. We had been walking for more than three hours. We went to the tea room in the castle, but they were being rebuilt. So we walked down to the Tidal Mill where the tea room was open.

We had a cup of tea. I had a slice of Bara Brith and Nor'dzin had a flapjack. It was nice to stop there and just relax. We walked around the mill pond. There was not much water there and the mud had started to crack. I know how it felt.

We called a taxi to come and take us back to the campsite. We stayed in a pub until the taxi arrived. It was only ten minutes to get back to the tent. We had boiled eggs and toast for dinner.

We had a lovely conversation with Lynda who owns the place. She is always interested in where we've been.

There was a lovely sunset that night. The sky was full of color. We went to bed tired and happy.

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