In My World

By JoanneInOz

Little Butchie

With limited time each day recently to take photos, the subjects I have definitely been favouring are my feathered backyard visitors.

This is one of my little Butchie friends, a Butcher Bird, a native bird to Australasia and a close relation to the Magpie.

I have two Bucher Birds living in a tree at the bottom of the garden and often hear the two of them "talking" to each other. They sing such beautiful songs to one another and are a pleasure to hear.

Like the Magpies, my Butcher Bird friends are very tame and I am often startled by these little guys when I walk outside, as they swoop down and land right in front of me!

When this photo was taken, Butchie was sitting on the back of one garden chair as I stood on the other side of a chair right next to his, and he wasn't in the least bit concerned by my close proximity.

A huge thank you again for all of the wonderful comments, stars and hearts I received for yesterday's blip, of my little soaked Honey Eater friend. Things Beautiful commented recently on what a friendly group of people we have here on blip, and I wholeheartedly agree with her!

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