Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Life Butterfly!

A new butterfly for me! It's a tiny butterfly - the size of the blues, basically. A Juniper Hairstreak, is what it is. There was one of those moments on our walk this morning when The Husband was complaining loudly and often about my stopping to photograph things. He maintained - loudly - that people who constantly have to photograph everything miss seeing anything. Undaunted - which is my usual stance with the guy - I stooped down with my phone to photograph a dark teeny weeny butterfly that I'd just noticed out of the corner of my eye. When I got home I looked in a book and found it. And did not fail to inform him that had I not photographed it I would have never known what it was I had seen, thank you very much. Pfft.

Looking at the Wikipedia entry (the link above), I'm not at all sure which of the various Juniper Hairstreaks it is... Here are some photos from North Carolina. Mine was, appropriately, next to a bunch of Eastern Redcedar trees.

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