The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

And here's a field.

This blip has been cunningly disguised as a backblip, slipped under the radar of the red balloon, so to speak.
I'm not very good with stuff like that, you see.

It's not that I'm not proud of myself for getting this far - I am in a way, and perhaps I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner, properly, not deleting everything the minute life overwhelms me, things get in the way, people, etc. ... But it's not about me.

In over 300 blips, if we count all the others that are no more, I have looked at many, many more, commented on nowhere near enough and appreciated your comments more than you might know.

The idea was to see if I could finally make myself do this for 100, then 200 and now the 2 has become 3. Not that it hasn't been hard; it has been at times. But on the days of wanting to hit the button, someone, somewhere - one of you - has said a thing, something about a picture, just a comment, just a nice or a kind word, and they have been totally unaware that their words have made me leave it there for just a while longer and - why not? - come back the next day with another thing, maybe not even something that different, just one more.

I've met some truly lovely people on here. Thank you for bearing with me.


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