
By Hillyblips


A day of peaks and troughs!

Peak - girlie coffee and because it's girlie we had to have cake - Rocky Road sort of comes to mind :)

Troughs - It's windy - and I knew what I wanted but just couldn't have it - toys out of the pram here :)

I knew I had been naughty using the light for socialising - my own fault :( There comes a point when you know you have blown it, kneeling in horse shit in near dark conditions trying to capture a bit of sex - which in fairness to me I did get but it was fractionally blurred - not to put too finer point on it. And after Paladian's copulating hovers the other day I was not going to put up total rubbish :))

Soooo Globe thistle you have with artistically short dof - which in fairness to me I took quite a few of but not half as many as the quick bonks in the horse poo!

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