Now we have everything

By Gembop

Week 31

The weeks are whizzing by now! 9 weeks to go.

Given we've just had Bonfire night it felt fitting to celebrate this week's milestone with sparklers. It's our second shot with both Rob and I together, though we're a little obscured by our (very neat) numbers.

We were both absolutely wiped out today. Me from my client schmoozing last night and Robin from his impromptu boys night. I found him in the spare room this morning, on top of the covers, fully clothed. I also found another 'boy' (our friend Tom) in the same position on our sofa. They didn't get back until 3am and for some reason despite offering Tom the spare room, Rob went in it himself and laid down spread eagle so Tom couldn't even get in next to him. Nice host!

Suffice to say, I left for work without my usual commuting partner after dishing out tea and paracetamol. Robin isn't normally one for mid week drinking (or drinking much at all really) and from the sounds coming from the bathroom, I think he'll keep it that way :)

This evening we could barely keep our eyes open. I ordered a Chinese from a 'healthy' restaurant one of the clients last night recommended and it gave us just enough energy to faff around in the cold trying to take this blip. Cue me trying to balance the camera on the kitchen window ledge whilst adjusting the shutter speed to capture the motion shot (8 seconds is too long, 4 seconds not long enough!) all before the sparklers ran out! It was quite funny and I'm pleased with the result- and with a love heart I drew.

Bump has been incredibly active today and this week. He's still sticking his bum out and generally wriggling to get comfy. His legs are now poking out from my sides rather than my front which makes for comedy viewing.

Rather than just sticking to his set activity times during the day he's now moving fairly constantly, supporting the prediction that he's now sleeping in short 20-40 minute bursts.

He's also getting fatter rather than longer so his skin is turning opaque. He's now taking on the appearance of a typical newborn rather than a translucent sea monkey!

We really can't wait to meet him.

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