knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


Look! I'm working on my sketchbook!
Finally found my college mojo again and geared up to get a large chunk of work done in the next week. Still not 100% sure how I'm meant to do it all, but sure it'll work in the end.
Spent the afternoon shop sitting again and managed to read Hound of the Baskervilles while sorting out yarn for dyeing. Forgot how good Sherlock Holmes can be.
Also got some great news that our Guild has won another grant for money for equipment. This is great as means we can really crack on with spreading the love of weaving, spinning, and dyeing to the masses.
Boys are just back from another winning game at Partick Thistle. My dad went with them as well and they've all had a good time.
Time for pizza and then maybe some wine and spinning later.

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