'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri


Were up early today - just after 6! I opened & fed the chickens then C & I opened & fed the neighbours' chickens & cat (Misty above). Then we cleaned the house - C hoovered & washed the windows & I did filing & shredding. That's about it, other than, having a nap, watching 2 rugby games, speaking to Mom, eating, drinking tea & treating C's ear with olive oil. Now he has olive oil weeping through his eyes. Should we be worried?

Misty came over for a visit, mostly because it was raining. When the photo was taken she was staring at her reflection in the glass cabinet, ready to pounce. She went home when her humans brought us a huge chrysanthemum with lots of rusty brown flowers for looking after her and the chooks.

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