Sieze the day

By Mario

Lindisfarne Sunrise

I was up early this morning, I haven't slept well for a while now but made the most of the first day of our Focus Camera club field trip and camp. I went for a wander down the road at about 5:30am thinking about a sunrise or a landscape. I was surprised at how quickly the sky changed within about 5 minutes the pink and red was gone covered by an overcast sky only to burn out later in the morning. I learned some techniques on improving my photography and I would like to pass this on aswell. Photography is all about KISS and FART, come on blippers behave.
KISS Keep it simple stupid or better still keep it so simple lets make our images simple and FART we have all done this, HA HA I just realised what I wrote, this is the image you make at the spur of the moment the one you almost run off the road for because it had an impact on you. Feeling Assess Response Take the photo. I had a great time amongst some great friends.

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