The world is beautiful

I have been reading about certain badly behaved men, and reflecting on the serious harm they are causing and may do worse. The US president professes his admiration for bullying dictators. He appears to have been so caught up in his own fantasies of being like Putin, that he imagined that the Guard of honour was for him alone, and not his hostess, with whom he behaved crassly and rudely. I fear for the future of this world when the wealthy are more concerned with protecting their own status as super wealthy and themselves surviving the collapse of the climate rather than preventing such a climatic disaster. Surely anyone who has 10 million dollars in assets doesn't need any more. They actually can't use their mega wealth. They are like teenage boys measuring and comparing penile sizes. (I couldn't see the point then, and still can't.) 

The world remains full of beauty, and one's soul can be soothed by the sight of an Auckland winter sunset, full of promise if we could only respond to it.

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