
By HarrietGeorgina


Sunday 11th November - We will not forget.

Yesterdays lazy evening was followed by an equally lazy morning during which I forced LB to watch the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - which most definitely lived up to the book.

It was then decided that some fresh air must be caught before I began on my epic journey home, and so we went for one last walk through Princess Street Gardens. Prior to embarking upon my 'blipping' venture I have wandered the paths of this inner city greenery many a time, but I obviously must have always had my eyes closed! Those of you who saw my first attempt at street photography earlier this week will have noticed that that scene was captured in the very same gardens. LB and I spotted this guy pullin' some tricks just outside the National Gallery - street photography take two.

I'm currently somewhere between York and Kings Cross station, fingers crossed for East Coast Wi-Fi.

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