
By Rafstar99

Berlin kit has arrived!

Yesterday I received my kit that I’ll be wearing when I jet off to Berlin to compete in the WPA European athletic championships.
This is the first event Racerunning has been included in since it has officially been a Para athletic sport!
I’ll be over in Germany for 8 days, and because it’s official I’m not allowed to go with any of my family. Just teammates and nurses.
I’ll be competing in the 100m. It seems a bit of a trek, but any excuse to go to a new country! And look at all the Nike merchandise I received. I mean, there’s way more than pictured! I’ll be more than ready for this one!
I just wanna say good luck to all the athletes competing, and I hope they’re as excited as I am! And I also want to thank everybody who has helped me and pushed me to get this far!

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