
I was tired this morning, didn't get to bed until after 1am and I feel it more than I used to.
Now I'm old!
I had a lazy morning in bed listing things on eBay. I always forget how time consuming it is and how depressing when you sell only one of the dozen items you've listed. For 99p!!
We'll see how it goes.
This afternoon we went to a lovely pub in the river just outside Oxford to meet my mum and dad, brother and sister in law and Cousins M and T. We had a yummy roast dinner which meant for the first time in weeks I didn't have to cook it. Yay!
And it was beef and I can't cook beef to save my life!
We went for a short walk along the river in the growing darkness. The reflections of the sunset looked beautiful and seemed quite apt on Remembrance Sunday.

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