Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Leaf

My husband chopped the hydrangea bush back the other day. Casting about for a suitable image in the rapidly fading light of day, I spotted these two leaves that obviously hadn't seen ANY light for most of their existence. They were faded and bleached looking with no green anywhere. I only added a bit of vignette and some HDRish on Picasa just to add some interest. Well, maybe something else. I did some little thing with Photoshop and I am not sure where the image ended up. It sort of looks like it went back to iPhoto as this looks like a bit of what I did in Photoshop. Maybe I should actually LEARN how to do stuff. Ya think?

A damp but warmer day than yesterday. A good day to sort through a pile of papers, put an easy cake from a box into the oven at Bill's request, and catch up on The Good Wife, a TV show that I like.

I'm not sure I should admit to the movie my son and I watched last night. And I'm not sure I should admit that I was the one who ordered it from Blockbuster in the first place. But, I gotta tell you, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter was something that I just had to see. Abraham Lincoln with almost super human powers....what a hoot! Then, we watched The Walking Dead. And that begs the many extras from Georgia have played zombies? And no, I didn't have nightmares. It's so ridiculous that it isn't scary, although you can hear us both say, EWWWW, a few times. Good times..... LOL. Please don't think any less of me, I do fully intend to see the Spielberg movie, Lincoln. I can do high brow, really I can.

Okay, kids, until next time, be good and take care.

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