Purrfect Timing

By Boozo

111 Day Fat Burning Marathon

I must be nuts! I own that thing that measures the exercise I do and normally confirms I'm not dead - Great! But it also links to the Polar website - Not so Great! On this website there are challenges and my mouse decided to click on this one and enter me! I think it's still cross with me for removing it's tail!

The aim is to burn the most calories by the end date of the 23rd May 09.

So, challenge entered months ago, thought start date was today, it's not, it was the 1st so I'm already behind! I'm currently 34th out of 56 participants, suppose thats not bad for having literally just started. Biggest problem is that the current leader has already burnt 8154 calories, that averages at 1359 per day including today :-o !!

I'm now thinking, twit, how the hell? and other things I can't mention.

I need support, and lots of it - and there you lot are out there - your job has been outlined!

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