Looking for new curtains

We've been in Sheffield looking for curtains for our new room today. This fabric was my favourite - it reminds me of Angie Lewin's work but I'm not sure it is. What I am sure about is that it clash badly with the chair we've just had recovered, so something a little more toned down might be called for. Oh and I also spotted a potential table in John Lewis - I'm looking for something small so that we can still use the room to sit in - it's such a nice light room in the mornings and has come to be known as the morning room!

It was also a chance to visit the art shop (Pinder's) to arrange for another Giglee copy of one of my still life prints to be done. Then visits to various stationers to pick up several other things I need for the forthcoming exhibition.

I was due a haircut in Barnsley this afternoon so after a quick lunch I headed off - I'd put off going last week and today decided that my hair only needed a good thin rather than any more off the length. (It did get cut very short last time!) At least it gave me the opportunity to call in the supermarket to collect a few items I need to bake with tomorrow. It's our inter-club competition with Holmfirth Camera Club tomorrow evening and we usually try to provide a few goodies to go with the tea and coffee.

Finally I got my main computer reset up on my desk in the corner. Maybe I'll be able to find all those missing pictures now!

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