Usual Monday for me.  Fitness Class this afternoon. Shopping in Tesco.  Slimming Club this evening.  Gained one pound this week.  Not surprised after my weekend away the weekend before last  - I had put on much more so at least I managed to lose most of the extra weight by today.  Need to lose that pound to get back into target range for next week. Not many at Slimming Club this week so the consultant spent extra time speaking to those of us who were there.  Next week we crown our Woman of The Year.  So this week we did the secret nominations.  6 ladies were nominated - including me.

The Mono Monday theme today is " BLAST".  I Googled - and the best option was -  " Blast From The Past ".   Meaning - something or someone that returns after a period of obscurity or absence. It is normally applied to things that that were thought fondly of previously and are making a welcome return - particularly pop songs.

My blip shot doesn't fit the pop song theme but it is something which I have fond thoughts of and which has made a welcome return into my life.  Blue Grass perfume was Elizabeth Arden’s first fragrance.  Named after the Blue Grass of Virginia, created in 1934 and launched in 1936. I got my first bottle of Blue Grass perfume when I was around 13 years old.  A very grown up Christmas present from my favourite Auntie.  I was thrilled with such a wonderful gift. I haven't given this perfume a second thought until recently when I realised that it was still in existence.  So I have bought myself a bottle. When I use it I remember my Auntie Doreen who is no longer with us.  Thanks to laurie54 for hosting the challenge.

Steps today - 13,690

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