The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Paperwork day

Today I was supposedly free. I stayed in bed in the morning and watched a DVD, then had to get up and deal with finding an alternative quote for insurance on the family home. Aviva wanted three times the amount they charged us last year, and the brokers were that Aviva was the only insurer that could cover us. B*llocks! I thought, and so did another interested party, so I tracked down another quote that was considerably cheaper, after the usual questions about watercourses and building materials had been answered. I've turned it over to someone else now, though I suspect there may be more to come tomorrow, while I'm running my market stall. The horrid little doodle was drawn while I was on the phone. I think it's the Devil himself, disguised as a rabbit. Nothing at all like my usual scribbles.

Meanwhile, as I waited for the answers about building materials and flooding, I researched hotels in Spain. We are going there in nine days' time. When I summoned Steve to look at my choices he said he'd rather phone a friend before booking! I ordered the Rough Guide to Andalucía, then made the supper (not my turn) because Steve was printing cards and that meant I couldn't pack my stall at the same time, and he couldn't stop because he'd started and the inks needed to dry.

Later,  when the inks had dried and the dining room was free, I packed up for my card stall, and went to look for postcards of Cadiz, since we may be staying there. I found a vintage collection of cards from my grand tour of Spain in 1984! I also found that I have my mother's disease of notelet-itis: I recently bought a new pack of RNLI 'harbourside scenes' note cards BEFORE finishing the previous pack, because it had got lost in the drawer!  I must make an effort to curb this madness, as I know what it leads to in the later stages...

And now I think I'll unpack the dishwasher and load it with the next lot of crockery. Day off? I don't think so!

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