Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Daddy puzzles

This week seems to be going really quickly. This morning Miss Pink went to preschool and after her roast dinner hot lunch she came home and demolished a sandwich, an apple and three yogurts!! We watched far too much Tom and jerry together as we were both tired. I think I may have nodded off for 20 mins!!
After school pick up, master pink had his swimming lesson, and today mr pink was able to come and watch it with us. This freed me up (in miss pinks eyes) to play Peppa pig with her. Peppa and her friends had a picnic on the spectator steps, all sitting on a pink gingham picnic blanket. They ate three randoms sweets (bribery sweets from the bottom of my bag), and they did some exercises. My particular favourite part of the game was when miss pink insisted that Daddy Pig (me) teach all the play group children the songs from miss pinks nativity play. This was quite interesting as I don't know the words yet and miss pink told me off for getting the words wrong!!
Master pink meanwhile was practising his backstroke, breaststroke and did four amazingly big jumps into the pool!
After swimming we went to the supermarket cafe for tea. Miss Pink and her daddy did some colouring and puzzles while master Pink read his school reading book to me. It's a book about barn owls and I'm really enjoying hearing it!

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