
I'm very lucky that my morning commute is a 9-minute walk through one of the nicer districts of Aberdeen. I bet this morning's sunrise would have been spectacular from the beach, but this was just down the hill from our house.

A busy day at work today, re-doing all the work I did yesterday because the Operations changed overnight. This quite often happens in the industry I work in; I've long-since stopped being cross and frustrated by it. The only annoyance comes when the client makes what they think is a small change, but what we know has rammifications that will take a whole day to re-order. Luckily this client seems to realise that even the two small changes that happened overnight will delay our submission report, so we can just get on with it without being hassled.

When I got home, I should have washed my hair for going to the hairdressers tomorrow (I can't stand the thought of her touching my hair if it's not clean) but I felt quite ill, and ended up going to sleep on M's lap instead, while we watched Grand Designs. I made quite a nice dinner of baked chicken and cous cous with veg... Sometimes the recipes that are just scraped together from what's left in the fridge are the best.

Edit: I found a Blip-snap!

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