A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

A Very Happy Birthday To Our Dearest Oz

It was Ozmo's B'day on the yesterday & so in honour of that, I'm making him the featurette of my blip today.

Here as you can see, Oz is up to no good & frankly, nothing changes. Jen only had the remains of my Michelin Star quality mash potato in the pot, but Ozzie had to have a nose & a lick.

He's very mischievous & knows exactly where the treats are & how to get them. Ma is his usual target, & with a little raise of the paw & a scrathy-scratch on the larder door, the prize is his. 'Good boy'.. & then you suddenly awake from your stupor & question why you just gave that to him. By that time of course he's away, hitting the road, with his bounty, not a care in the world, already preparing his next attack & his next victim (again, most probably Mum, she just cannot resist his sparkling charm). Cheeky blighter.

I remember when we got him & he was a tiny little liver & white bundle, scampering around my bedroom floor, doing his 'business' all over it & getting stuck behind my bunk bed. Good times.

Right now, on your bed!

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