RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Ice & Boot

Ok, it's been 5 days with this boot and ice bag routine and I'm ready to go out dancing!  I have to say that I am certainly not one to want to sit around and read, watch reruns, answer sales calls on the phone, or look for something new to do within the confines of my home.

I am going into work for a few hours today as my staff is probably redecorating my office by now, and all the phone numbers have been changed so I'm less effective. It won't be fun hobbling around in this plank of a half shoe with my tootsies hanging out in front, but I need to get out and do something that feels productive.

Actually, I believe I'm healing well, and will know more when I see the doctor on Friday to get my stitches taken out. If all I have to be down for is a little more than a week, than I'll feel fortunate.

Until then, mates, look for a more interesting blip today with less complaining.

Peace & Love,


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