Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Our best day on the mountains

Today C and me set out from the chalet and instead of following the road down, we went up.
Behind the chalet and up the hill.
After a short while the tarmac stopped.
After another short while I was sweating buckets already!
A bit longer and the gravel road, behind simply a path.
We walked up to Les Combes (altitude 1,695 metres), and then I think we only went down after that to Les Lindarets (where we laughed at the traffic failing to get past the goats).

In total our fitbits registered around 270 flights of stairs, so only just off our Helvellyn walk last summer.

Think it took us around 3.5 hours, and luckily Mrs H and JJ had driven up to Les Lindarets to pick us up.

A very good mornings hike, and the most exercise I got all holiday.

I'm hoping I've put the map pin in the right place.

Whilst we did have a map and compass with us, I decided to see how good Google was at giving us the directions.

There was a few moment were it went a bit do-lally, but for the most we followed the obvious path, and frequent signposts.

We did amazingly have 4G for the entire walk!

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