Damp Morning

It was an early start this morning when Miss L clambered into bed with us at 5.30am and started demanding Cheerios and Angelina Ballerina.
Is it too much to ask that she could have inherited her mother's deep love of bed and sleep?!!!
Tomorrow I suspect it will be even earlier - she fell asleep in the car at about 4pm, wouldn't be roused and so went straight to bed.
We had a fab time today with the lovely Mrs W and Miss T. We went to their beautiful house and the little girls played while Mrs W and I drank tea, chatted and ate yummy food. We were there for hours which went by in a flash - always the sign of a good day with a friend!
In other news, Miss E has come back from the dark side! As dramatic as her transformation into a devil child from hell is her change back! For the last couple of days she's been sweet, helpful, cuddly, reasonable, considerate.... Literally a different child to the one who's had me in despair for the last few weeks.
Long may it last!
Pilates tonight for the first time since I did whatever I did to my neck last Monday. My core is starting to ache already but all being well my neck is still in one piece!
Long may that last too!!

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