Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Eddie NO!!!

Finally got the cakes and chocolate Pudsey's made for school's Children in Need fundraising day, kept some at home just to test of course. Almost late for school today when H knocked a full bottle of milk over on the kitchen table, chairs, floor and my coat that was on the chair. Need a trip to the dry cleaners now. B hasn't been very well with a cold for a couple of days, which is unusual for him, offered him a day off school and he still decided to go. Too many lessons to catch up on I think

I mistakenly put the cakes on the table to blip and Eddie has done nothing put paw at my arm, trying to get on my lap to get to them. I've moved them to the cupboard and he's on his back legs trying to reach. In the last 20 mins I've had to open the back door to the garden 4 times, he's stolen a glove and a sock, and has just found a silver foil milk bottle top from somewhere, possibly from this mornings incident. Off now to pay Eddie some attention before he gets into serious trouble.

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