living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

just add chaos.

Ok, so it was my idea to get out the rainbow rice, remembering how well it worked last time to add a bit of fun to an otherwise boring afternoon. The "fun" lasted about 10 minutes this time. By then, Ash had a good belly full of the stuff and Cleo decided it was more fun to throw it around the room.

An uninspired Blip for an uninspired day. Something has been getting me down lately- maybe it's the weather, maybe it's my impending return to work in January...or perhaps it's the failing economy, the destruction of the planet, the fear for the kind of toxic place I'm leaving for my children, the persistent worry that I am messing them up, the lack of money now and for the future, the lack of career prospects. *sigh* I will shut up now and go drink wine.

Oh, Happy Birthday to my Daddy today!

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