Vulcan Winter Service

It's very normal for the Vulcan to the Sky to be pleading for donations but since making the announcement that 2013 will probably be her last flying display season it has been particularly hard raising funds for her winter service.
Without the winter service she cannot get her clearance to fly from the CAA. At the moment we are almost halfway to the £400,000 needed to get through to the beginning of the display season, which usually begins in May. Prior to that there has to be lots of checking of systems, renewing of equipment, servicing of vital areas such as the ejection seats which have to be carried out by the manufacturer etc.... it's an expensive business. The crew also have to have 'Crew Currency' flights to ensure they have sufficient flying hours to keep their credentials to fly up to speed.

If you want to help you can do so at
Component Systems
Donation Page
Donate from your PC or through HSBC

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