Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


       I did snap a few flowers and a bee (extra ) today on the way down to Phoenix.

       Kathy had her annual eye exam earlier this week and needed a new prescription which means hand delivering a piece of paper to the optometrist at the Carl Hayden VA Medical Center in Phoenix. My Idea was to leave super early to get the VA business done by say ten o'clock then spend a couple of hours at the Musical Instrument Museum, have lunch, and leave Phoenix before temperatures reached the forecast 100ºF (38ºC).

       Kathy's idea of super early is six o'clock but by the time morning chores were done (i.e. cats fed and coffee made and slurped whist watching BBC World News) and the truck filled with gas (petrol) at a very S L  O   W    pump we finally got out of town just before seven and we weren't done at the VA until nearly noon so MIM was out of the question. Lunch? Ah, buffet Indian at Delhi Palace in Tempe finishing with chai and pistachio ice cream. Then I had to shop for choccy biccies and Marmite at World Market before heading up Beeline Highway, SR 87, at two o'clock in the afternoon when the temperature was nearing one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (37ºC) according to the truck.

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