Busy day today...I seem to be saying that too often these days.

Great morning spent with some great moms.
Followed by a much too short coffee with two of my absolutely favorite women
Followed by some much needed shopping
Not enough time spent with the kids today
But when I got home, I had a lot of fun with the boys
And Mr C thought picking dandelions seemed like a fine idea this afternoon...he mentioned that we should put the flowers in a "basil" afterwards (vase :)
Picked up Ms B from the bus
She and M had some time together
A night playing catch up

I am really, really looking forward to a day tomorrow of no plans in particular. No work, no photo shoots, just family time.

Talked with Ms B tonight a bit about her birthday in less than a month. She has mentioned a couple times now that she wants a "dance party." So sweet...she sat down and wrote a list of the "birthday guests" and "dance stuff."
"Dance stuff" includes: Kid's bop (her favorite cd), empty space, a music player, and a dance sign...can't wait to see what else she adds to the list!

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