
By BernardYoung


‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’

But what was the conversation like?
What was the talk about?
Did it cover art and love and cats
and football and philosophy
and photography.

Did anyone mention
lyrics and novels and poetry
and how to get the lid off
a tin of paint easily.
Did anyone say I love you
or I hate him or
she always gets on my nerves.
Was the history
of Checkpoint Charlie discussed
or David Bowie’s fruitful time spent
in Berlin.

I’m all for show not tell
but can a photo really relate
that dream
about walking down the street
with Helen Mirren
when she wanted to find out
where the gardener lived
and then
one person recognised her
and almost had a heart attack.

So go on,
Mr Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words,
bring me to my knees
with your visual expertise,
convince me that sometimes
the wind is a raging howl
and at others
a million gentle whispers
drifting through the trees.

Sound & Vision

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