Not Silly Saturday ......

What an amazingly fun, beautiful day we have had!!!

We were up early this morning as we have a big day planned! We have been invited to Deb's Bistro and we couldn't be more excited!  A mini blipmeet had been set up with Debbi, MattPhoto, Richard and me! Other blippers from the D.C. area were also invited but couldn't make it .... we missed you!

We arrived around 10 am and almost immediately set to taking lots and lots of pictures.  She has a beautiful property and the wildlife .... especially the hummingbirds .... were in full force.  The number of hummers was astounding!  She gets more hummers in a day than we see the whole summer!  

I had so many wonderful shots that it had to be a collage today! And you can see I wasn't fibbing when I said there were a lot of hummers! And so many other birds and butterflies.  Deb released several monarchs whilst we were there .... I sneaked a picture of her taking a picture of one of the released butterflies!  The large butterfly in the collage is a Giant Swallowtail. 

Thank you so much, Deb, for your hospitality!  And thank you, Matt & SO, for travelling up to meet with us!  We truly had a fabulous day! ♥♥♥

Although I don't have a picture here of it .... this afternoon when we returned home we released monarch #6.  He was released for another special blip friend's late husband ... Douglas.  (Dolly, I will be sending you via email some pictures of this beautiful butterfly.)

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