Hand made hat from Hawaii

A few weeks ago, whilst recovering from operation number 1, my brother mentioned a film called Tekkonkinkreet - an anime film.

I watched and was absorbed, because despite it being quite dark and violent at times, it was a beautiful story with wonderful artistry in the animation. It made me weep at times, because the whole premise of the story is just heart warming and heart rending at the same time.

Anyway, one of the characters, a young boy called White, wears a hat just like this in the film. My brother mentioned that he would really love a hat like that (I suspect that he intends to wear it to work to see whether anyone comments on it!). I set about trying to find one and thought I was going to be unsucessful until I stumbled across a store on Etsy and a lady who actually knits/crochets hats - Lo and behold, she actually had one on display. It arrived this morning. James modelled it so that I could send a photo to my brother. I have since ordered one for me as well, as it is so silly and cool at the same time. I am hoping I can get it before my next operation so I can wear it whilst I am stood outside on yard duty in the deep midwinter! That will get some comments I am sure.

The rest of the day has involved marking books, prepping lessons, doing a MAJOR food shop, as I have not really been bothered these last few weeks, tidying up a bit, doing tea for the boys and preparing a nice beef bourgignon for tea for them for tomorrow. I will have to snaffle a bit of it before I go out to Liverpool to listen to the Philharmonic. Can't wait to hear the Planets Suite 'live'. Obviously will be very lovely to see my Aunty Val, Uncle Chris, my Nana and my great Uncle Lenny - Lenny is taking us into town so I don't have to park. He's a hoot so it should be fun.

Will be talking like a scouser on Monday. Be warned!

What is it about fire? So calm and peaceful but... inside, all power and destruction. It's hiding something. Just like people do. Sometimes you have to get close to find what's inside. Sometimes you have to get burned to see the truth. from Tekkonkinkreet.

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