Miniature Gardenia

I am so pleased with how my Miniature Gardenia is doing!  It smells wonderful at the front doorstep.

The horrible long freeze we had this past winter took its toll on a lot of plants and I thought this might be one of them.  I had to give it some serious attention and even then I thought I might be a gonner.  Now I have all these glorious blooms and the wonderful perfume greeting anyone who knocks at my door.

I am washed out and I am sure it is going to take a few days to recover from my slip down to slope, but I do feel much better.  :-)

We had "Tree Fitness" come this morning to go over all the tree maintenance that we need done in our yard and give us an estimate.  (Ouch!)  The work is now on their schedule.  Can't believe it will be mid-November before they get to us.  

Where has the week (and summer) gone?!  It's Friday and Labour Day Weekend.  Put your feet up everyone and enjoy yourselves!!

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