Hummingbirds and bees

The nectar today has been nabbed by some other beautiful fliers, bees and wasps. Luckily there are several other feeders for the hummingbird noshers, but they have to work hard to fight off the single bees at those. Not ideal, but there's not much I can do. I put out a shallow plate (yellow, which attracts bees and wasps) and that helped a bit. It's a pity because the weather is lovely today an I planned to camp out with my cameras for some photos. The bees are a bit too interested in me at the moment, hopefully they will move on. They are so very beautiful too, and the flowers are gone due to the heat, so the hummers will have to share I guess.

For the Record,
This day came in with cooler, dry air and beautiful sunshine, glorious. 

Two real American moments are underway now...

It's raining in Washington D.C. where the great Statesman, John McCain, Lies in State in the U.S. Capitol. His mother, Roberta, 106 years old is at the ceremony, holding hands with her granddaughter, Meghan.

The city of Detroit is rocking with Respect for the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. 100 pink Cadillacs await the funeral procession outside the church. 

All hands happy with this poll from the Washington Post...

Overall, 60 percent of Americans disapprove of President Trump’s job performance, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll that also finds that clear majorities of the public support the special counsel’s Russia investigation and say Trump should not fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

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