Ready for a Rainy Day

The last two blips have involved rain, so to carry on the theme here is my Tamron 150-600 with it’s new rain coat on – more like a ‘pac a mac’ really.
As we are venturing into the Wash on the Boston Belle for a birding trip in a week or so’s time I thought some sort of waterproofing for the camera was in order.  I have a large camouflage cover for the tripod, but it proved to big for hand held, so I thought we might try this one from Amazon.
It comes in a pack of two (one each for Mrs W and myself), but considering that it’s little more than an oversized plastic bag I think a little pricy, however still amongst the cheapest that I could see.  The only problem is that it tends to slide back on the lens hood, but a bit of sticky tape will sort that.
How well does it work? – well it is usable but as you might expect fiddly through the plastic.  I think that if it rains or there is a lot of spray it will be a saviour for the camera and some sort of photography.

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