Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Lynx spider

Update on the floods - 500 homes destroyed. This figure sounds excessive, but the poorest part of town is like a corrugated city, dwellings constructed of what ever materials can be found. Still, they are homes, whole families live there as they scrape together a meager living. They may have to rebuild two or three times during the wet season, but have little choice as this is all the city will allow them. These people are making an effort, unlike the many thousand that simply give up and sleep in the streets. Don't forget, no government handouts in Indonesia, you are on your own!

It rained steadily all yesterday, well into the night, so I was in for a slippery safari today. I managed to find a few beetles, ants, a few damsels and spiders to photograph. One of the damsels was pretty good, but I liked this glimpse of a lynx spider snacking on one of last nights ant lovers. Proof that we do have small ants too.

I didn't think that spiders fed on ants, as my observations were of both bugs avoiding each other. But, I followed this female lynx all over the bush, as she terrorized the ant population. Finally she stopped running around and I managed to grab this image. I did not discover the meager meal until I got it on the screen.

After I blipped, the rain came down - heavy - lots of thunder and lightening. So I decided to try to capture the essence of Indonesia in the rain.

Sorry for the change, the original blip is now in folio with a few extras.


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