Eye Trauma

Gulliver was accidentally punched in the eye during basketball at school today, The school rang me about 1.30, Max is away and I can’t drive so I took a cab down to the school to pick him up and took him straight to the Royal Eye unit at Kingston Hospital, he was in a lot of pain it was horrible to watch, the nurses and doctors were amazing, the upshot is that the eye is haemorrhaging, there’s a trickle of blood they need to keep an eye on so we’ll be going to the Hospital again tomorrow and Friday. Hourly steroid drops, steroid cream at night and dilation drops for a week, no school. When he can bear it he will have an invasive eye examination to check the Retina, The doctor said he was 85% sure that the Retina was okay but until he can perform this examination he cannot be sure.
His vision is very blurred and for a few hours after it happened it was also brown which the doctor said was the result of the bleeding.
Zebedee was in Kingston so he came down to the hospital which was useful because he sat with him while I went off to get the medication which took about half an hour.
Back home I ordered the boys pizza and we just watched TV, I kept setting an alarm on my phone so that we could administer the medicine at the right times, he was very good about it all.

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