
By Pugsman

The Medlar (To Blet Or Not To Blet?)

This fruit is on a small tree in my local park and is known as a Medlar.

In literature (Shakespeare), it was known by its nickname, the "open-arse" , which was due, I think, to its unfortunate puckered appearance.

Anyway, while walking the pugs, I discovered that this fruit is not ready for eating while it is still green! I later learned at home, that it needs (to blet) to turn brown and go soft and squishy, before it is ready for consumption.

The Medlar can also be turned into a jelly, and it has been said that this is hard to be without over Christmas, once you’ve tasted it.

I discovered this tree for the first time today, and I am now aware that the fruit is not that popular, although it was widely used in days gone by. I was even reading of a lady, who was expecting a child, having strong cravings for the Medlar.

I'm not craving a Medlar, and neither do I think I will get to the jelly stage, but given that there is a tree full them in the park, I reckon I might be daring and leave a handful, (to blet), or to soften up on my window sill (see extra pic).


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