
By Cr055ie

Making Paper

My friend Lisa found a local group of community minded historians, the Spirit of Sutterby, who periodically organise some really fantastic craft day.  We have learnt how to make corn dollies, created stunning mosaics and today just for fun we had a go at making paper.  Lots of paper using natural and very interesting ingredients.

~ nettle
~ grass seed
~ lavender
~ bullrushes
~ feathers 
~ linen and hemp
~ onion skin
~ 14th century ground up pottery (broken bits found in the fields from the area)
~ willow
~ horse hair
~flower stamens 
~ wasp nest

Who knew wasp nest paper would be so beautiful?

A fantastic day, with great friends.  We have signed up to join their new paper making club and will be collecting unusual ingredients form future paper "recipes".  But in the mean time we will be looking for project ot use our spectacular paper on.  I for one am planning to use mine as backgrounds for some still life photography.  


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