The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Discovery at Stroud Folk weekend

Elspeth and I were dismayed to wake up to a dreich Sunday. I haven't got my head around autumn yet. I want an Indian summer....

Eventually the rain cleared, and we walked into town, taking an unusual diversion via Stone Manor, the site of the old workhouse, now converted into flats. Bad vibes, man...

In Stroud we had brunch, then went to the Ale House pub again, to see a musical assembly called Finnegan's wok. After an hour.or so we headed to another music venue, where we watched Jeff and Elaine Gillette, aka Discovery. Jeff is multi-talented and I've been following him for years, since he used to play with Becky Dellow the fiddler at the Golden Fleece on a Thursday night, back in 1873.

Sadly, we couldn't stay long, as we had to meet Steve and then drop Elspeth back off at the airport. We needn't have rushed: we got there at 6, but have just heard that her flight was severely delayed and don't take off until 9.30pm.

What a treat it's been to have four whole days with Elspeth. We've packed in so much that it feels like a week!

Apologies for the rubbish shot, but I was stuck at the back of a very sedate crowd and don't want to be a pain.

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