a town called E.

By Eej

Chrys #5

Yesterday the first of my Chrysalides eclosed (Chrys #4*), and I jumped up and down like a 5-year old on her way to Disney World. It was a boy and I called him Elias. I went from New Mom to Empty-Nester in less than 4 hours because Elias was in a whole lot of hurry to start his journey to Mexico. Today was Janet's turn. It's cloudy and "cool", which is good for my #monarchwatch2018 but Janet was like: NOPE!  when I tried to get her out of the cage. So, she can stay a bit longer; until the next sunny day if she needs to.

* Chrys #1, 2 and 3 are still hanging on, as well as Chrys 6 & 7.

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