
Spent most of the day waiting for the plumber to call about my ongoing heating and hot water issues.

I have to decide whether I want them to try the leak sealant again or whether they hire some listening equipment to try and locate the leak.

They asked me to lift carpets up so we know what sort of floors we're dealing with for if & when they have to come up to repair/replace pipework (will make a change to claim from house insurance rather than pet I suppose!) They're concrete as I suspected :-/

Just pulling the edges up I can't find any signs of damp spots but over the weekend will try and lift up more and have a good look rather than paying them to.

All I know for sure is while I can fix it myself (even though it's morning, noon & night) I'll put off digging floors up until after Christmas, just don't need the chaos right now!

One room was particular clogged up with junk so I had a big clear out and found this little chap in his box. He's too nice to be shut away so I made him a home on the windowsill :)

Stella is doing better still and has had a small dinner and kept it down. Looking good :)

Here's her blog...Woof Wednesday: Big Walkies & Back To The Vets

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