Simply Me

By Suze981

You can't win

Either as a runner or a cyclist trying to get home after work. Doing both frequently, I have come to realise that you just can't win. If I think about it, it's worse being a runner. (Tonight I ran home)

Let me tell you why I have so much rage on my commute...(can you feel a rant coming on?)

When cycling, firstly you have the obvious dangers - cars jumping lights and hitting your bike (yes this has happened to me), irate drivers revving their engines and driving really close to you, angry drivers gesturing at you when you cycle to the front of the traffic light queue (in your designated place).

But you also have to negotiate pedestrians jumping out into the road in front of you (because if you're not a car it's safe to run out in front of you). Edinburgh has a lot of cycle paths. Brilliant. Except when they're overrun with pedestrians who glare at you when you try to pass them. Honestly sometimes they look at you like you just ate their baby and they're the ones in the wrong bloody lane!

Now, running. You know I love running. But running at 5pm through the city centre is a nightmare. Pedestrians are awful. Let me tell you something you fuckers walkers, runners are pedestrians too. We deserve to be on that path every bit as much as you do!! I can only apologise to cars and cyclists when I have to use the road or cycle lane - but these fuckers walkers won't move for me, forcing me onto the road.

Here are some handy tips for walkers:

1. Be spacially aware
2. If you're walking on your own down the pavement, don't walk in the middle, walk to one side to allow us to pass you
3. If you're walking two or more abreast, please move in when we pass, there should be space for all of us on the one path without us having to use the road
4. If you're waiting for a bus, please stand to one side, other people need to use the pavement too
5. If you have a pram, don't jump out into the road at an unsafe place to get across quickly. You may find yourself running directly into a runner who didn't imagine you'd jump into the road as they're passing
6. If you're on your phone, be careful not to veer all over the path (it's surprising how many people do this) please try to walk in a straight fucking line - this will make you easier to pass
7. If you're on your phone, please look up occasionally or we will run into you/swear at you rather than be forced to run in the busy traffic

I can only apologise for the rant but really, it's getting ridiculous! Ah well, at least running and cycling are both quicker and nicer than the bus!

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