Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


After raining hard all night long, the weather cleared for awhile this morning so we could have a nice walk. After our pancakes. Subject for a blip.

If asked one thing they love about coming to the island, the grandchildren will instantly yell "pancakes!" Every morning, this Grandma makes piles of smal, round, thin "Swedish" pancakes. My mom made me these pancakes, but not in this pan. Husband H's Aunt Marie made him pancakes with a pan like this when he was little. The Swedish "plattar" pan was given to us after we got married by Aunt Marie (who owned the cuckoo clock, blipped a few days ago) - It's almost 50 years old and still works great, here on the propane stove. Aunt Marie, a member of the Chicago "Daughters of Sweden" also gave us the ladle and the spatula which exactly fits the little round impressions. And of course we have to have lots of real maple syrup to smother them in! The pans one can buy now are made in China and just not the same and I have looked and looked everywhere for this size and shape of ladle and can't find one. (I confess I haven't yet tried ebay, suggested today by granddaughter Tatum...)

When my boys were little I went through a period of time when I made thick, heavy, "healthy" Adele Davis pancakes, but these soon morphed into the old traditional Swedish pancakes, arguably less "healthy" as the flour isn't whole wheat.(but so much tastier, with real butter!) We have eaten these pancakes in Sweden for dinner, with lemon and sugar, or lingonberries or other fruit (never maple syrup). It's become our monday night dinner request for the girls in Seattle. Tatum can make the batter without help. Fiona "helps" her. We use a griddle there on the glass cooktop so they aren't quite so perfectly sized..

Last week, 10 year old grandson Niklas had to write a 4 paragraph letter for school homework to one person in his life telling why he is thankful for that person. He sent it to me and paragraph #1 was about being thankful for Grandma's famous pancakes! (the other paragraphs had to do with being so much fun with fun things to do, the cabin, and being nice (as in not getting mad....) Grandson Oskar says my 'famous" pancakes rate "10" but his Dad has recently gotten a lot better at making them. (Using the recipe in Aunt Marie's Daughters of Sweden Cookbook!)

I think there will be lots of good memories about pancakes. My Mom and Aunt Marie would like that.

Wishing everyone that celebrates Thanksgiving a happy day!

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