An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

A rare opportunity

I went into the city today (that's not the rare event! though actually, it is quite rare for me) for the primary purpose of taking advantage of an unusual opportunity to look inside the ruins of the old Argus Building. Built in 1926 as the offices of the now-defunct Argus newspaper, it has been unoccupied and derelict for many years. There have been plans to convert it for university use, but asbestos and high costs have put paid to those. This building is right in the middle of the city and is "ripe for redevelopment" - I'm assuming the asbestos has been removed now!

The building isn't much more than a shell and only a small section is safe enough for public use, but it is a fascinating place to go in. It is currently open to the public from 11am to 8pm (when the music starts) as part of Melbourne Music Week - but only until Sunday! If you are in Melbourne and interested in industrial architecture, it's worth a visit.

Bigger pigeon

There are a couple of more expansive images HERE and HERE, that give you a better idea of what it is like inside.

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